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Queeruption Sex Party Instructions


Like any other DIY event, it is what people who show up make of it. Here
are some expectations that we find we have in common: Transform ourselves,
be daring and delicious, dress up, learn, take risks and enjoy them, have
fun, be considerate, respectful and kind.

You are responsible for yourself.
Ask people around for information or help whaen you need it. Lets all help
each other. Some of us will also take turns to wear a sash and make
ourselves available to help solve any problems.

One of the fun things about a sex party is asking and talking about what u
feel like doing.
Pay attention to yourself.
Pay attention to others.
Paying attention means listening and communicating clearly.

No means no.
"Excuse me what are u doing?" means no.
"Please leave me alone" means leave me alone and dont try to stay near me
for the rest of the event.
Think smart about safe sex.
Take care about about any sexually transmitted diseases that u have and
dont catch any at queeruption.
Sex is about enjoing each other, not about competition.
Use alcohol and other drugs respectfully to your own body and the people
around you.
Think about ways of gaining courage and feeling good about yourself.

Clean up after yourself.
Help keep the place clean.
Ash in ashtrays.
Condoms in bins.

There will be a closed space were a camera will film images of people: you
will find a person that will inform you at the entrance of this space and
you are free to go in this space or not.

Peoples gender identity is diverse, do not asume you will find the
genitals you expect.

You are wellcome to leave at any time.

Remember you are responsible for yourself. That includes diseases,
emotional trauma,
new relation ships,
muscle cramps
or other unwanted consequences of attending or not attending this party!

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